UK Cities > Westminster > Music and Entertainment > Artists

Westminster Musicians

You have arrived at UK Cities's musicians section.

Here you will find the best Westminster music artists, solo artists and musical performers sites as recommended by the UK Cities editors. Some of the music artists listings on this page have been added by an editor, others are music artists results from the Web. Try the search facility above if you cannot find the information you require on this page.

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New sites: we add and update new solo artists sites to our directory on a regular basis and welcome new site submissions. Please see the instructions on the front page.


European Union Youth Orchestra

Musicians & Composers (Head Office) serving London area

65 Sloane Street, London, SW1X 9SH

Tel: 020 72356641

Rosetta String Quartet

Musicians & Composers (Business at Home) serving London area

12 Morpeth Mansions, Morpeth Ter, London, SW1P 1ER

Tel: 020 78346597

Live Music Now

Musicians & Composers (Head Office) serving London area

4 Lower Belgrave Street, London, SW1W 0LJ

Tel: 020 77302205

Music Management (UK)

Musicians & Composers (Office & Administration) serving London area

PO Box 1105, London, SW1X 7ZD

Tel: 020 78231111

New London Orchestra

Musicians & Composers (Head Office) serving London area

4 Lower Belgrave Street, London, SW1W 0LJ

Tel: 020 78235523