UK Cities > Westminster > Food and Drink > Caterers

Westminster Caterers

This is the caterers section of our Westminster directory.

This page lists a variety of useful wedding catering, corporate hospitality and gourmet catering sites in Westminster for you to browse. The catering companies listings in this section are a combination of editor reviewed sites, catering companies sites from the Web and relevant paid listings. This page is one of several similar pages on this site. If you cannot find what you are looking on it, please try searching for catering companies using the search engine above.

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We are always looking to expand our database of gourmet catering sites. Please see the instructions on the front page.


Letheby & Christopher

Caterers (Office & Administration) serving London area

116 Pall Mall, London, SW1Y 5ED

Tel: 020 78391233


Caterers (Office & Administration) serving London area

4A Bessborough Place, London, SW1V 3SG

Tel: 020 77303750


Caterers (Head Office) serving London area

30 Pavilion Road, London, SW1X 0HJ

Tel: 020 78239212

Pret a Manger

Caterers (Office & Administration) serving London area

49 Tothill Street, London, SW1H 9LQ

Tel: 020 79325328

Gordon Ramsay

Caterers (Office & Administration) serving London area

1 Catherine Place, London, SW1E 6DX

Tel: 020 75921360

Duke's Cafe

Caterers (Shops & other Retail Outlets) serving London area

7 Duke Street, London, SW1Y 6BN

Tel: 020 79302884

Leith's At The Centre

Caterers (Office & Administration) serving London area

The Queen Elizabeth II Conference Centre, Broad Sanctuary, London, SW1P 3EE

Tel: 020 77984000

Travellers Fare

Caterers (Other) serving London area

Office, Victoria Station, London, SW1V 1JT

Tel: 020 78344130