Welcome to the transport section of our Salford directory.
UK Cities has provided the following Salford buses and coaches, taxis and train times listings in this section. There are buses and coaches directory listings, results from the Web and paid buses and coaches results. Can't find what you are looking for here? UK Cities probably has a number of other taxis pages. Try the search facility above.
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Travel Agents & Holiday Companies (Shops & other Retail Outlets) serving Salford area
22 Kersal Crag, Salford, Lancashire, M7 4SL
Tel: 0161-792 0077
Travel Agents & Holiday Companies (Shops & other Retail Outlets) serving Salford area
Blueline House, 55 Stanley Road, Salford, Lancashire, M7 4FR
Tel: 0161-740 4602
Hotels (Shops & other Retail Outlets) serving Salford area
11 Blackfriars Street, Salford, Lancashire, M3 5AL
Tel: 0161-834 9476
Travel Agents & Holiday Companies (Office & Administration) serving Salford area
65 Moorfield Road, Salford, Lancashire, M6 7EY
Tel: 0161-736 5769
Tourist Information (Office & Administration) serving Salford area
Pier 8, The Quays, Salford, Lancashire, M50 3AZ
Tel: 0161-848 8901
Travel Agents & Holiday Companies (Shops & other Retail Outlets) serving Salford area
41 Hankinson Way, Salford, Lancashire, M6 5JA
Tel: 0161-736 8621
Travel Agents & Holiday Companies (Shops & other Retail Outlets) serving Salford area
317 Bolton Road, Salford, Lancashire, M6 7GU
Tel: 0161-745 9683
Travel Agents & Holiday Companies (Shops & other Retail Outlets) serving Salford area
91 Sutton Way, Salford, Lancashire, M6 5HS
Tel: 0161-745 7434
Travel Agents & Holiday Companies (Office & Administration) serving Salford area
9 Halton Bank, Salford, Lancashire, M6 7AB
Tel: 0161-743 0505
Travel Agents & Holiday Companies (Office & Administration) serving Salford area
12 Exchange Quay, Salford, Lancashire, M5 3EQ
Tel: 0161-848 7599
Travel Agents & Holiday Companies (Shops & other Retail Outlets) serving Salford area
260 Eccles Old Road, Salford, Lancashire, M6 8HH
Tel: 0161-707 1269
Attractions (Places of Worship) serving Salford area
St. Bonifaces Presbytery, St. Boniface Road, Salford, Lancashire, M7 2GE
Tel: 0161-792 1418
Travel Agents & Holiday Companies (Shops & other Retail Outlets) serving Salford area
1 Hankinson Way, Salford, Lancashire, M6 5JA
Tel: 0161-736 8625
Mini Buses - Hire & Leasing (Business at Home) serving Salford area
18 Langsett Avenue, Salford, Lancashire, M6 8BU
Tel: 07903 094249
Travel Agents & Holiday Companies (Office & Administration) serving Salford area
220 Broadway, Salford, Lancashire, M50 2UE
Tel: 0161-877 8559