UK Cities > Portsmouth > Jobs and Recruitment > Health Jobs

Portsmouth Health Jobs

Welcome to the UK Cities Portsmouth health jobs area.

Listed below are a selection of top health sector jobs, jobs in healthcare and healthcare recruitment agencies Web sites and related resources in Portsmouth. The health sector jobs Web sites listed on this page have come from several sources including our own directory, Web results and selected sponsored listings. If you cannot find the info you are looking for here, try the search engine above.

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New sites: we add and update new health jobs sites to our directory on a regular basis and welcome new site submissions. Please see the instructions on the front page.


Match Agency

Nursing Agencies (Office & Administration) serving Portsmouth area

17 Challenge Enterprise Centre, Sharps Cl, Portsmouth, Hampshire, PO3 5RJ

Tel: 023 92696655

Elite Care Services

Nursing Agencies (Office & Administration) serving Portsmouth area

902 Victory Business Centre, Somers Rd North, Portsmouth, Hampshire, PO1 1PJ

Tel: 023 92756566

Action Carers

Nursing Agencies (Head Office) serving Portsmouth area

4th Floor Meon House, 78 High Street, Cosham, Portsmouth, Hampshire, PO6 3AJ

Tel: 023 92313036

Ambition 24 Hours

Nursing Agencies (Office & Administration) serving Portsmouth area

2-3 The Promenade, Gladys Avenue, Portsmouth, Hampshire, PO2 9BN

Tel: 023 92666900