UK Cities > Lancaster > Shopping and Retail > Florists and Flowers

Lancaster Florists

Welcome to the florists section of our Lancaster directory.

This page lists a variety of useful flower delivery services, flower arrangements and bouquets of flowers sites in Lancaster for you to browse. There are a mix of flower shops sites - listings from our directory, results from the Web and paid flower shops listings. For alternative results, try a related category from the left menu, or try searching for florists information using the search facility above.

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Lilies Of The Valley

Florists (Shops & other Retail Outlets) serving Lancaster area

Unit B Hornby Road, Caton, Lancaster, Lancashire, LA2 9QW

Tel: 01524 771550


Florists (Shops & other Retail Outlets) serving Lancaster area

7 Main Street, Bentham, Lancaster, Lancashire, LA2 7HF

Tel: 015242 61904

Dalton Square Florist

Florists (Shops & other Retail Outlets) serving Lancaster area

19 Dalton Square, Lancaster, Lancashire, LA1 1PL

Tel: 01524 849000

The Hanging Basket

Florists (Shops & other Retail Outlets) serving Lancaster area

3 Brock Street, Lancaster, Lancashire, LA1 1UR

Tel: 01524 65152

Parrys Flower Design

Florists (Shops & other Retail Outlets) serving Lancaster area

57 King Street, Lancaster, Lancashire, LA1 1RE

Tel: 01524 66410

Flower Bank

Florists (Shops & other Retail Outlets) serving Lancaster area

28 Main Street, Hornby, Lancaster, Lancashire, LA2 8JR

Tel: 015242 21510

Lune Valley Home & Garden Services

Florists (Shops & other Retail Outlets) serving Lancaster area

7 Gordon Terrace, Lancaster, Lancashire, LA1 4DS

Tel: 01524 64458

Patti B Flowers

Florists (Shops & other Retail Outlets) serving Lancaster area

124 Ullswater Road, Lancaster, Lancashire, LA1 3PX

Tel: 01524 849322