Welcome to the healthcare section of our City of London directory.
UK Cities has provided the following City of London private health care, private surgery and private clinics listings in this section. There are health care directory listings, results from the Web and paid health care results. Can't find what you're looking for? Don't worry - refine your search using alternative words above.
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Clinics - Private (Hospitals & Medical Establishments) serving London area
101 Cheapside, London, EC2V 6DT
Tel: 0845-600 2236
Clinics - Private (Hospitals & Medical Establishments) serving London area
17 St. Helen's Place, London, EC3A 6DG
Tel: 020 76383001
Clinics - Private (Hospitals & Medical Establishments) serving London area
29 Fleet Street, London, EC4Y 1AA
Tel: 020 73535500
Clinics - Private (Hospitals & Medical Establishments) serving London area
205-207 City Road, London, EC1V 1QE
Tel: 020 72532323
Clinics - Private (Hospitals & Medical Establishments) serving London area
Austin Friars House, 2-6 Austin Friars, London, EC2N 2HD
Tel: 020 76284001
Clinics - Private (Hospitals & Medical Establishments) serving London area
Bell Court Clinic, 11 Blomfield Street, London, EC2M 7AY
Tel: 020 72568066
Clinics - Private (Hospitals & Medical Establishments) serving London area
St. Olaves House, 10 Lloyd's Avenue, London, EC3N 3AX
Tel: 020 77097171
Clinics - Private (Hospitals & Medical Establishments) serving London area
21-26 Garlick Hill, London, EC4V 2AU
Tel: 020 72486368
Clinics - Private (Hospitals & Medical Establishments) serving London area
1-6 Old Jewry, London, EC2R 8DN
Tel: 020 77960171
Clinics - Private (Hospitals & Medical Establishments) serving London area
4-5 Exchange Arcade, London, EC2M 3WA
Tel: 020 79729972
Clinics - Private (Hospitals & Medical Establishments) serving London area
Austin Frairs House, 2-6 Austin Friars, London, EC2N 2HD
Tel: 020 76384988
Clinics - Private (Hospitals & Medical Establishments) serving London area
21-26 Garlick Hill, London, EC4V 2AU
Tel: 020 74891136
Clinics - Private (Hospitals & Medical Establishments) serving London area
21-26 Garlick Hill, London, EC4V 2AU
Tel: 020 73292570
Clinics - Private (Hospitals & Medical Establishments) serving London area
Barbican Medical Centre, 3 White Lyon Court, London, EC2Y 8EA
Tel: 020 72002700
Clinics - Private (Other) serving London area
Appointments 3rd Floor A Lifts Plantation House, Fenchurch Street, London, EC3M 3BE
Tel: 020 79292733